Monday, February 6, 2017

Don't Trump Slump into Acceptance

I started this blog because I was ready to crap my pants when Trump got elected for real. Had SO MUCH ANGER AND FEAR!!  I had to have some place to put it.

Then I hit what I guess was a Trump Slump.

A look at my blog post history makes it look like I just folded. No posts between Jan 3 and Feb 6th. Oh, I've been deep in the thick of it all along, following every scrap of news and Twittering like a madwoman night and day. But I was having a hard time knowing where or how to channel my rage, so I never got around to posting anything. There was so damn frickin much!  

This video captures my general state of being over the last month--I've felt it all---denial, bargaining, anger, depression...with the exception of acceptance. Haven't  experienced that stage yet, and I don't plan to. I refuse! I will not accept the unacceptable! We must all refuse! We must keep on fighting!


1 comment:

  1. back at ya: I refuse! I will not accept the unacceptable! We must all refuse! We must keep on fighting!

    RESIST! (live long and prosper hand sign)
