Thursday, February 23, 2017

Theme Song for the Resistance!!!

This song is truer now than it was in the 80's. Just replace "Reagan" with "Turd-Dump".


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Every night --this is what I'm driven to

This is what I do at night to cope with the horrible awfulness we're living through:  

Put Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream in a mug.

Pour whiskey over it.  

Eat with furrowed brow.

Curl up in fetal position.

Put blanket over head and wait for sleep.

Try not to dream about one of those assholes.

Note to self:  whiskey's getting low....

Feelin' So Jake Tapper

Couple days ago someone tweeted:

When history asks what it was like to be alive in 2017, one of the many answers will be "Look at Jake Tapper's face."

Ya, I need to frame this shot, cuz this is how I feel.

Why we expected to put up with a President who fuckin' lies to us all the time?

It's just Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Round the clock.

Trample and his horde of pimply-ass assholes are the most corrupt, dishonest, disingenuous, crooked, lying crock of liars in modern history. They've no credibility. They are completely untrustworthy, and they've brought dishonor and shame to the Presidency, and the country.

Here again is Jake while Kellyanne Conway flings crap like a monkey throwing its feces through the zoo bars.

Yeah I know, same picture. His face is worth repeating.

Here's Jake while Senator Mitch McConnell tries to pretend that it's no big deal when OUR PRESIDENT says--- so what if Putin is a killer, because "we got a lot of killers" too.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Puke puke puke! Betsy DeVomitous!

Cabinet of Horrors ....

This campy shot may give the wrong impression. Like this is something to joke about. It's not. I'm fucking upset.

Fucking billionaire privatizing swamp lizard fucking phony Christian hypocrite no-nothing totalitarian thief bitch. Fucking Amway. FUCK AMWAY!!! Fucking pyramid scheme. These are the people running our EDUCATION in this country? FUCK! 

I never used to use the "F" word. Hardly ever in speaking, and never ever in my blogs. Fucking thanks for THAT too, Trump! You Lyin' criminal piece of shit. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Don't Trump Slump into Acceptance

I started this blog because I was ready to crap my pants when Trump got elected for real. Had SO MUCH ANGER AND FEAR!!  I had to have some place to put it.

Then I hit what I guess was a Trump Slump.

A look at my blog post history makes it look like I just folded. No posts between Jan 3 and Feb 6th. Oh, I've been deep in the thick of it all along, following every scrap of news and Twittering like a madwoman night and day. But I was having a hard time knowing where or how to channel my rage, so I never got around to posting anything. There was so damn frickin much!  

This video captures my general state of being over the last month--I've felt it all---denial, bargaining, anger, depression...with the exception of acceptance. Haven't  experienced that stage yet, and I don't plan to. I refuse! I will not accept the unacceptable! We must all refuse! We must keep on fighting!