Saturday, November 19, 2016

First time I spoke through a megapone was at a Trump protest last week

The need to speak out has moved me to start this blog. Welcome! Thanks for reading!

The need to speak out against Trump's hate and bigotry moved me to stand on the steps at City Hall a week ago and urge a couple hundred protesters to act, to keep fighting, to not let up. The rally was winding down by then and the crowd had thinned. I was one of the last to speak, but I'm glad I did. It felt good to SPEAK UP, loudly. Hearing a resounding cheer from the crowd as I finished wasn't too bad either.

My message:  We have to be smart. We have to educate ourselves and pay close attention to what Trump and his cronies are doing. We can't let up. The shock will wear off and our lives will get busy and it will get cold and the holidays.....but we can't let up. We don't have the luxury.

We must not let the offenses Trump has afflicted and will continue to afflict every day numb us. We must be wide awake in our outrage, and fight the nonstop racism and threats to vulnerable groups in this country, but also --

-the unrelenting con game, as his conflicts of interest and opportunism will run rampant unchecked
-the dangerous ignorance and erratic posture with which he'll approach our national security
-the flagrant abuses of power
-the bullying attacks on those who deign to criticize or disagree or oppose his policies
-the bullying and intimidation of the free press
-an unfettered assault on our civil liberties, our democratic institutions and principles
-suppression of our freedom to assemble and protest, our freedom of speech....

....just to name a few of the offenses which Trump commits every day he occupies the office he has been unfathomably, insanely granted.

Or had handed to him by Putin.

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