Monday, December 5, 2016

The Resistance: A Checklist

Can you believe this clean slice of white bread is our poster boy for the Resistance?

Evan McMullin, the conserv from Utah, is one of the few Republicans who seems to grasp the magnitude of the threat Trump poses to our democracy.  Or at least, he's one of the few with the balls to speak out.

He provides a useful checklist of 10 Things We Can Must Do to Resist the "Authoritarian moves that are about to commence."  (These originally appeared as ten separate tweets.)    

If Trump governs as an authoritarian like he has promised, it will be critical that Americans do the following 10 things:
1. Read and learn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Know that our basic rights are inalienable.
2. Identify and follow many credible sources of news. Be very well informed and learn to discern truth from untruth.
3. Watch every word, decision and action of Trump and his administration extremely closely, like we have never done before in America.
4. Be very vocal in every forum available to us when we observe Trump's violations of our rights and our democracy. Write, speak, act.
5. Support journalists, artists, academics, clergy and others who speak truth and who inform, inspire and unite us.
6. Build bridges with Americans from the other side of the traditional political spectrum and with members of diverse American communities.
7. Defend others who may be threatened by Trump even if they don't look, think or believe like us. An attack on one is an attack on all.
8. Organize online and in person with other Americans who understand the danger Trump poses and who are also willing to speak up.
9. Hold members of Congress accountable for protecting our rights and democracy through elections and by making public demands of them now.
10. And finally, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, have "malice toward none, with charity for all" and never ever lose hope!

The list above, de-Twitterfied, comes from DailyKos

Sunday, November 20, 2016

No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA!

Way to go, Green Day!  They led an anti-Trump chant at the American Music Awards! YES!

Boycott. Girlcott the Trumpsters. And Why Hobby Lobby Especially Sucks.

If you've been wondering which companies are pro-Trump so you can throw shade on their ass, look no further. Bust Magazine has come out with a list of 13 businesses with ties to Dumpster Fire and why you should steer clear.

I want to give special attention to Hobby Lobby and why they are one of the worst offenders.

From the article:

Hobby Lobby president Steve Green and his mother Barbara Green have been fighting in the Supreme Court to continue removing birth control from their health insurance plans because of their religious views, even though this conflicts with the Affordable Care Act. David Green  published an article in USA Today praising Trump before the election. 

Green:  "For Americans who value freedom of religion, we must elect a president who will support a Supreme Court that upholds not only this freedom but all that have emanated from it. That president is Donald Trump." 

These douches want to deny women birth control but they also want the freedom to discriminate against the LGBT community, because of their religion. Grab your wallet and head over to Michael's or JoAnn's instead.

Full article is here.

Mark It Down: Let's Pussy Riot Against Trump On December 12th.

Women and their 'ginas  'everwhere are planning a strike against Donald Trump on December 12th.

We are not going to work.

We are not going to buy things.

Even me---I will not buy a latte that day, I swear.

Hey Donald Trump ---we're here to let you know---Vaginas rule. So keep your tiny claws to your own sick self.

You Too Can Call Your Congressmen.

I did.  And it was pretty painless.

I got a human on the phone at each office. I voiced my objections to Steve Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, and the idea of a Muslim registry.

The person on the other end listened, then said they'd pass it on, and that was that.  

They haven't heard the last of me.

Irish Senator Packs a Pair. Calls Trump the Bleedin' Fascist Monster That He Is. SPEAKS TRUTH.

We need American politicians to grow a pair already and speak up. This isn't politics as usual. Our country is at stake. American senators --forget your party or your careers. This is our goddamn democracy you're toying with. Speak up for the love of god. Here is how it's done:

Yoko Ono Scream Therapy. Because Trump.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

First time I spoke through a megapone was at a Trump protest last week

The need to speak out has moved me to start this blog. Welcome! Thanks for reading!

The need to speak out against Trump's hate and bigotry moved me to stand on the steps at City Hall a week ago and urge a couple hundred protesters to act, to keep fighting, to not let up. The rally was winding down by then and the crowd had thinned. I was one of the last to speak, but I'm glad I did. It felt good to SPEAK UP, loudly. Hearing a resounding cheer from the crowd as I finished wasn't too bad either.

My message:  We have to be smart. We have to educate ourselves and pay close attention to what Trump and his cronies are doing. We can't let up. The shock will wear off and our lives will get busy and it will get cold and the holidays.....but we can't let up. We don't have the luxury.

We must not let the offenses Trump has afflicted and will continue to afflict every day numb us. We must be wide awake in our outrage, and fight the nonstop racism and threats to vulnerable groups in this country, but also --

-the unrelenting con game, as his conflicts of interest and opportunism will run rampant unchecked
-the dangerous ignorance and erratic posture with which he'll approach our national security
-the flagrant abuses of power
-the bullying attacks on those who deign to criticize or disagree or oppose his policies
-the bullying and intimidation of the free press
-an unfettered assault on our civil liberties, our democratic institutions and principles
-suppression of our freedom to assemble and protest, our freedom of speech....

....just to name a few of the offenses which Trump commits every day he occupies the office he has been unfathomably, insanely granted.

Or had handed to him by Putin.